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Investment Apps

The best investment apps should have cheap costs and access to the kinds of accounts and investment products you care about most if you're new to investing. The app you use should be compatible with your investing preferences and provide the resources you require (such as access to human advisors, educational guides and/or courses, and great customer service) in order to meet your financial objectives. SoFi Invest : Best Overall The app includes stocks and ETFs listed by category, making it easy to browse potential investment opportunities. It doesn't have the most in-depth investment research, but there is enough to get you started and guide your trading decisions. In addition to cryptocurrency trading (for bitcoin, ethereum, dogecoin, and 19 other coins), you can also access investment education articles from inside the app. Note, though, that SoFi charges a 1.25% markup on crypto transactions. As an added bonus outside of the app,  SoFi  offers complimentary financial planni
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Importance of Diversification

Diversification Is Key to Investing!! Diversification is the topic of the day. This topic helps prevents the overall risk of investing. You would lose part, if not all, of your money if you put all of your money into one company's stock and it fell. You would also lose interest, if not all, of your money if you invested all of your money in a single bond and the issuer filed for bankruptcy. By selecting several investments and investment kinds, diversification reduces the risk that you face in such instances. Diversification can not ensure investment returns or remove the risk of loss, even in a market that is losing value. Diversifying Across Asset Classes: A more up-to-date conception of the portfolio advises including alternative assets as well, a developing asset class that goes beyond buying stocks and bonds. Investors now have easy access to real estate, cryptocurrencies, commodities, precious metals, and other assets thanks to the advancement of digital technology. Once more

Understanding Risk

When being new to investing you need to know going in that there are numerous risks. Business Risk: You purchase a stake in a corporation when you buy a stock.  You are lending money to a corporation by purchasing a bond.  The company must continue to operate in order to receive returns on both of these investments. Common stockholders are the last to receive a payout if a firm declares bankruptcy and liquidates its assets.  If there are assets, preferred stockholders will be compensated after the bondholders of the company.  Common stockholders receive whatever is left over, which could be nothing. Make sure that you consider the financial stability of the insurance firm issuing the annuity into account when buying one.  You want to confirm that the business will endure and be financially stable. Volatility Risk: Companies' stock prices can change even when they are not in danger of falling apart.  For instance, large firm stocks have often experienced a loss around once every thr


I'm Cameron Hoffman, I am an average eighteen-year-old. I'm heading to college at Sacramento State University where I'm going to further my academic career study business with a concentration in finance. I hope to take my studies in my future career that involves the stock market. This fascination all started with my Uncle who works with Raymond James. He was so generous to have me stay with him one summer and learn the basics of the market and the everyday life of a financial advisor. I have been blessed to have people in my life to teach and push me in areas I love. My parents taught me the value of investing at an early age and it was scary. Seeing all the graphs, numbers, and terminology freaked me out and I bet it's scary for everybody too, so I made this blog. This blog is here to teach the meanings of numbers, graphs, and terminology. My goal for this blog is to make investing less scary for beginners of all ages and little to no income and have you guys INVEST N